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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Really Need To Loose Weight Realistically? Here's How...

My weight loss experience is an ongoing process. I am still on my way to being that size that will make me happier. Notice i said "happier"? It shows i am happy with the way i look already, however, i know there is room for improvements.

Loosing weight is an issue that is constantly on our minds, and people struggle a lot with it, especially when all people seem to refer to when they see you is "how FAT you are! Personally, I find that really rude and try not to even talk about weight when I haven't seen a friend in a long time. But a lot of people never seem to learn or even care that one could be going through a struggle with their weight.

So today, I felt inspired to share little ways one can begin with in other to shed a few pounds. Here goes:

Its allowed to eat what u enjoy, albeit, MODERATELY. You can start with a few spoons, then take more spoons later. Spreading your calorie intake will help a lot. So, its more like "micing" your snacks, lol!

Secondly, try to EAT @ HOME B4 A PARTY/WEDDING
We love to party in Nigeria. But it would do you a lot of good if you eat @ home before going for that wedding or birthday party. You find that if you do not eat @ home, you get so hungry when you get to a party, and the tendency to over eat is high. Moreover, it will also help you comport yourself as you won't act too hungry when you sight the foods being served!

STOP eating @ Midnight..

I know, it feels so good to snack @ night, right? Of course the result will be wider waist lines, lol! So try as hard as you can through ensuring that you feed well during the day, try to sleep early enough so you don't crave food and if U MUST, just check out the final pointer below:


Its your food, its not running, lol. Reduce your portion size. Its not easy, but it can be done. Its better to eat 6 little portions, than wolf down 1 big size portion in one seating. Reduce that jollof rice and see how you will start to shrink! 

Remember, we are all in this together, however, ONLY U can help yourself... Good luck

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