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Saturday, December 21, 2013
Merry Xmas! A Face To All the Post Y'all Been Reading
Its 4 days to Christmas. For everyone, its almost the end of the year! Its a happy time (for most, I hope), a time to relax and reflect on past happenings in our lives. A time to show love, receive love and hope for a better future..
Its been a great year for the blog as well. So I want to say thank you for reading my posts, thanks for leaving comments, thanks for sending emails and thanks for refreshing the pages over and over again..
As you go into the next year, take time to understand and learn from whatever mistakes you have made, and how to turn the negatives around you into positives! Learn how to grow spiritually, learn how to be positive, to take risks and to aim higher. Learn how to forgive and love genuinely for the right reasons. Learn how to be more sensitive to people around you, never judging, and always happy for others. Learn how to pray and talk to God like He is your best confidant and friend (this, He actually is!)
And finally as we age gracefully, learn how to love your skin... This blog of course will help you through this particular task all through next year, lol.
Merry Christmas and Lets glow together.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Best Natural Oils For Achieving Beautiful, Even, Glowing Skin
Using natural oils is a big trend in the beauty industry today. However, natural oils as a beauty and skin regime were used over 3000 years ago! This beauty therapy was used by Greeks, Egyptians and Romans.
Using oils on your skin has some incredible benefits. Natural oils contain properties which help in not only healing and soothing damaged skin, but also revitalising and rehydrating the skin to produce a shiny glow! From reducing stretch marks and minimising wrinkles to anti-ageing therapy and deep hydration, the key is to figure out which oil caters to your skin type.
Today's post will help you discover different types of oils, including the most suitable for all skin types.
Coconut Oil (Deep Moisturiser)
Using oils on your skin has some incredible benefits. Natural oils contain properties which help in not only healing and soothing damaged skin, but also revitalising and rehydrating the skin to produce a shiny glow! From reducing stretch marks and minimising wrinkles to anti-ageing therapy and deep hydration, the key is to figure out which oil caters to your skin type.
Today's post will help you discover different types of oils, including the most suitable for all skin types.
Some of these oils are inexpensive and free of chemical. They also help with the treatment of the skin, making it silky smooth to feel while adding a glow. Oils can be used as skin conditioners, make up removers, deep moisturisers, and even to revive dull/ damaged hairs!
Argan Oil (Great for Anti-aging):
This oil is created by extracting oils from argan tree nuts. Its referred to as the "liquid gold" and comes from Morroccco. Its well known for its anti-ageing and restorative powers. Rich in Vitamin A and E, its also contains Omega-9 used for revitalising and de-stressing the skin.
Coconut Oil (Deep Moisturiser)
Coconut oil is one of the best and healthiest oils amongst natural oils. Apart from its deep moisturising qualities, it also contains protein required for healthy, glowing skin. Coconut oils fights against wrinkles, stretch marks, uneven skin tone and also tightens loose skin.
Black Currant Oil (Repairs Damaged Skin):
Great to treat damaged skin as a result of using bleaching creams, eczema, post laser treatment, sun burns, etc. Its rich in vitamins, antioxidants and essential fatty acids, which also helps slow down the skin's ageing process. Its great for healing scars as well. (This oil can cause allergic reactions, therefore try out on small portion of skin before use).
Chamomile Oil (For Sensitive Skin)
Chamomile oil is a natural skin soother and contains calming effects great for skin irritations, redness, burns and bruises, including other skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, rashes, etc. Do try a skin test to make sure your skin is not allergic to chamomile oil.
Top Recommendation: I totally love this Body Treatment Oil by Clarins
Feel free to share any of my posts on Facebook, twitter and google+ by clicking on any of the icons below. Its easier for me to answer questions on the blog, its so much easier to write a comment, but keep the mails coming too!
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Getting A "Fairer" Complexion Naturally... Think ORANGES
I am an advocate for women being comfortable in their skin, whether fair or brown or black! However, this does not take away the fact that over 80% of Nigerian women and even some women in other parts of the world crave fairer skin. The unfortunate truth is everyone wants to be fair, even the fair ones want to be white! Ironically too, the white ones go for a tan to get "darker". Its a crazy world we live in.
Most times I get asked the same question over and over again. Both by fair and dark skinned people alike, "How do I get my skin to look lighter?"I am always at cross roads, as my answer will continually be that fair and dark skins are beautiful equally and that both skins can glow and radiate beauty and health only if you care for it!
And because of the continuous mails and questions i get on how to lighten up naturally, today's post shows you how to get a fairer look, without worrying about side effects. Simple home remedies can be made and used to achieve a fairer skin naturally without the dark/discoloured knuckles, knees and feet.
Include Loofah in every Bath...
Exfoliation is the main thing in any skin lightening regime. The loofah (sponge) is a good exfoliating tool. By scrubbing off dead skin cells, the skin's pores become unclogged. a clean skin easily absorbs nutrients of cleansers, toners, masks and moisturisers.
Simply squeeze your body wash into your loofah, wet the loofah and use in circular motions. Use loofah daily and know when its time to change your sponge!
Natural Skin Lightener.
Do you usually throw your orange peels away? Bad move for fair skin lovers! lol. Simply collect the peels of oranges, dry them in the sun till crisp. Then grind them into a fine powder and store in an air-tight container.
This orange peel powder makes an excellent base for your skin lightening recipe. This home made powder can lighten your skin in a most natural and glowing way. Lets learn how:
For Oily Skin: Mix 1 teaspoon of orange peel powder with rosewater. Apply to face, leave on for 15 minutes and wash off with cold water. You may feel a tingling sensation but this totally normal because of the citric contents.
For Dry Skin: Citric fruits are acidic in nature. Therefore, for dry skin, add honey to your orange peel powder to make a thick paste. OR add yoghurt +1 teaspoon of olive oil to the orange peel powder. The yoghurt and olive oil is for moisturising, while the peel powder does the lightening.
Extras: Masques For Double Glow.
Using a masque in a natural skin lightening process retains natural moisture, provides nutrition and adds glow to your skin.
Make your own masques using Almonds and Pawpaws.
For Oily skins, blend paw paw and apply puree on your face. Paw paw is another natural skin lightener that gives a glow
For dry skin, soak almonds (high in Vitamin E) in milk, blend and apply to skin.
I still stand by my thoughts on bleaching creams: THROW THEM IN THE BIN!
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Great Ways Of Using Bananas On Your Skin!...
Most of us only think of bananas as a fruit to eat. But in reality bananas are a great skin enhancer. Its packed full with vitamins that not only moisturises your skin, but also improves its glow and complexion.
Bananas are exceptionally healthy and contain vitamins A, B, C and E including minerals such as potassium, zinc, iron and manganese. These nutrients are essential for the skin. Vitamin C and B6 plays a great role in maintaining the elasticity of the skin. Additionally, the large amounts of antioxidants and manganese found in banana protects the body from damage caused by free radicals (harsh temperatures, sun, pollution) found in the environment, which lead to premature ageing. Therefore, bananas can definitely give you younger looking skin. Banana also helps hydrate the skin as it has about 75% water content. This prevents skin dryness, dullness and peeling.
Banana As A Great Natural Moisturiser/ Facial Masque.
The Vitamin A in banana restores lost moisture and repairs damaged, dull, dry skin.
To instantly restore a dry and tired looking skin, mash up a ripe banana and apply to your face. leave on for 20 - 25 minutes, then wash with lukewarm water. Skin will instantly feel and appear supple and restored!
Extra tip: Add honey to mashed banana for extremely dry and flaky skin. Mash banana + honey and apply to face for 20-25 minutes. Rinse well with warm water.
Mash banana and pour in some brown sugar or white sugar. Rub into skin in circular motion and rinse with warm water. Banana serves as the moisturiser, while the sugar removes dead skin cells.
I love and appreciate all feedbacks. its so easy, just write your comments/questions and press the publish button. I would also like to know if this post helped you in any way. Share your thoughts and ideas and lets glow together...
Bananas are exceptionally healthy and contain vitamins A, B, C and E including minerals such as potassium, zinc, iron and manganese. These nutrients are essential for the skin. Vitamin C and B6 plays a great role in maintaining the elasticity of the skin. Additionally, the large amounts of antioxidants and manganese found in banana protects the body from damage caused by free radicals (harsh temperatures, sun, pollution) found in the environment, which lead to premature ageing. Therefore, bananas can definitely give you younger looking skin. Banana also helps hydrate the skin as it has about 75% water content. This prevents skin dryness, dullness and peeling.
Banana As A Great Natural Moisturiser/ Facial Masque.
The Vitamin A in banana restores lost moisture and repairs damaged, dull, dry skin.
To instantly restore a dry and tired looking skin, mash up a ripe banana and apply to your face. leave on for 20 - 25 minutes, then wash with lukewarm water. Skin will instantly feel and appear supple and restored!
Extra tip: Add honey to mashed banana for extremely dry and flaky skin. Mash banana + honey and apply to face for 20-25 minutes. Rinse well with warm water.
Banana As a Great Scrub!
Banana is full of anti oxidants and when mixed with some natural ingredients, can become a lovely skin scrub, which helps to get rid of dead skin cells and also to rejuvenate and energise your skin.Mash banana and pour in some brown sugar or white sugar. Rub into skin in circular motion and rinse with warm water. Banana serves as the moisturiser, while the sugar removes dead skin cells.
Banana As a Great Anti-aging Agent.
Nutrients found in banana help to fight off wrinkles and keeps the skin smooth and youthful. To make anti-ageing facial masque, mash a ripe banana with 1/2 avocado.
Leave on skin for 25 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water. The Vitamin E in the avocado and banana will help repair damaged and aged skin to reveal a more youthful glow.
So the next time you think about throwing away that over ripe banana, think of all the goodies your skin can benefit from this delicious food. Even the peel is so useful in the treatment of stubborn acne and wrinkles. Here's how to use a banana peel:
Simply cut a small part of the peel, apply the inner part on the affected area, rub on for about 5 minutes, leave to dry then clean the skin with lukewarm water. Repeat this process at least 3 times a day. Pimples will subside within 7 days.
Extra tip: To get rid of wrinkles, apply fresh peels on the affected area for 15 minutes everyday. Noticeable changes will be seen in few weeks.

Thursday, October 17, 2013
Foot Odour, Foot Care And Pedicure...
(THIS POST IS FOR MEN TOO) So ladies, get your man to read this!
Today's post is on your feet! You may not think about your feet that often, but they are an essential part of your body and almost everything we do!

Your feet are used for walking, running, exercising, or just standing, therefore knowing how to care for your feet is vital to your total well being! Its a true fact!! When your feet don't get the attention they deserve, chronic problems can develop as a result. These problem(s) may cause trouble for years to come.
Your feet take on the weight of your whole body. Foot problems can quickly lead to discomfort and also affect the way you walk. This can turn into a knee, hip or back pain in the long run.
This post will help you understand the importance of caring for your feet and also recommend ways to pamper your feet through a process called pedicure.
Foot Odour...
Medically known as "Bromodosis", smelly feet can be embarrassing and unpleasant. Feet can smell from getting sweaty and wearing fully covered shoes daily. It is understand-able that for blue collar workers (people that work in a formal environment), this is unavoidable.
However, there are simple ways to prevent this:
Ultimately, stress is reduced when receiving a pedicure. Everyone definitely deserves to take care of their feet!

Your feet are used for walking, running, exercising, or just standing, therefore knowing how to care for your feet is vital to your total well being! Its a true fact!! When your feet don't get the attention they deserve, chronic problems can develop as a result. These problem(s) may cause trouble for years to come.
Your feet take on the weight of your whole body. Foot problems can quickly lead to discomfort and also affect the way you walk. This can turn into a knee, hip or back pain in the long run.
This post will help you understand the importance of caring for your feet and also recommend ways to pamper your feet through a process called pedicure.
Foot Odour...
Medically known as "Bromodosis", smelly feet can be embarrassing and unpleasant. Feet can smell from getting sweaty and wearing fully covered shoes daily. It is understand-able that for blue collar workers (people that work in a formal environment), this is unavoidable.
However, there are simple ways to prevent this:
- Bathe your feet daily in lukewarm water, using mild soap, dry feet thoroughly using clean cotton towels.
- Change your socks daily, don't store them in your shoes and avoid using nylon socks too
- Dry out your shoes between use, avoid storing your shoes in a closed closet.
- Check regularly for fungal infections between toes and on the bottom of your feet.
- Treat fungal infections immediately using athlete's foot creams, which are available in drug stores.
- Go for a pedicure regularly (Its not luxury, its necessary).
Foot Care...
The great thing is that looking after your feet can help prevent infections and pain. All you need is to invest a bit of time into loving your feet.
- For the ladies, take out time to request for a mini pedicure at the same time that you are making your hair. For the guys, pedicure can be done at the same time during your hair cut. This doesn't make you gay in anyway!
- If you have to wear heels in the office, take comfortable shoes to and from the office.
- Shop for shoes at noon time. The thing is feet swells as the day goes by, so you can be assured you will pick your best fit.
- Trim toenails to avoid in-grown nails which can cause infections.
- For the ladies, avoid "fixing" artificial nails all the time. This can weaken your nail buds and cause infection too. Let your nails breathe.
Health Benefits Of Pedicure...
The process involved in pedicure gives your feet back its life. Like I stated earlier, the feet takes a lot of beating from activities and body weight. It is important to understand that getting a pedicure is no more luxury but actually a health necessity. Wether you decide to do a home-pedi or go to a salon/spa, there are health benefits in properly maintaining your feet.
- Cutting, clipping and cleaning your nails prevent inward growing nails, which may cause infection. This in turn could eliminate foot odour, nail diseases and disorders.
- The removal of dead skin cells through exfoliation prevents the cells from accumulating and causing corns or bunions. Exfoliating also encourages the growth of new skin cells to reveal beautiful and appealing feet.
- The best part of pedicure is the massage. the lotion/oils used during the massage step moisturises the newly exfoliated skin. Massage promotes circulation, reduces foot pain, and helps maintain the health and performance of the muscles.
Ultimately, stress is reduced when receiving a pedicure. Everyone definitely deserves to take care of their feet!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
A lot of people obsess about ageing and as a result, spend lots of money on various products or procedures. Really, the fact is, if we are fortunate enough to grow old, it is not a process that we can freeze no matter how much surgery we undergo or how much botox injections we decide to take.
While ageing is a fact of life and is inevitable, there is no reason why advancing years must be associated with weakness, pain or disability. So this post will help you discover some simple and realistic steps that will lead to a healthy and happy ageing process.
The first thing to understand is you don't have to wait to start taking care of yourself. The time to age gracefully is now and it includes your General lifestyle, Eating/diet, Skincare and Exercise.
1. Regular Exercise
There is no better time to start exercising than now that you are probably young and strong. For the middle aged and older ones, the right time is still NOW! My mother started exercising at the age of 55! She started by simply walking, then jogging and she's so happy about the results- reduced knee pains, loss of weight, less depression and confidence!
The importance of exercise cannot be stressed enough. No one is to young or too old to start exercising.
A minimum of 45 minutes of aerobic exercise, 3-4 times a week, will keep your heart young while improving your figure, mood and mental state.
2. Eating Right
Just like exercise, eating healthy is so important in today's world. It is believed that exercise makes for 20% while eating makes for 80%.
Eating more fruits and veggies definitely provides you with essential vitamins more than an actual vitamin tablet will.
Eat your vitamins through healthy, balanced foods and you will be well on your way to ageing gracefully.
3. STOP Smoking and Alcohol ASAP!
Smoking not only dries out your skin, but also leads to various kinds of diseases and even death! Excessive drinking of alcohol could lead to all sorts of health issues with your organs. You will automatically take some years off your look when you cut out drinking and smoking.
4. Skincare is Highly Essential for both Men and Women.
Its important to understand how your skin type works and get products that work for your skin type. Its also not about having so much money. When people complain about how expensive caring for the skin is, i simply advice them to check for products they can afford and purchase the best product in that price range. Additionally, this blog has done all the homework for you, so keep visiting, lol...
5. Sleep! Sleep!! Sleep!!! Ensure you get enough sleep.
Other Issues
Some old people, over 70 years were interviewed and asked what their greatest regrets in life were. The 2 predominant issues were: 1. They wished they took more risks and 2. They truly regretted not keeping good friends and family closer.
When getting older, you will find that life becomes a lot lonelier. So a good recipe for ageing well is to keep really genuine friends and family closer for companionship much later in life...
The List goes on and on. However, if you make these pointers a lifestyle, you definitely will age gracefully. I wish you long life!
Sunday, September 15, 2013
What Causes Cellulite?
What causes cellulite?
The causes of cellulite are not well understood, but there are several theories that have been put forth as explanations. Among these are:
- Hormonal factors - hormones likely play an important role in cellulite development. It is believed that estrogen, insulin, noradrenaline, thyroid hormones, and prolactin are part of the cellulite production process.
- Genetics - certain genes are required for cellulite development. Genes may predispose an individual to particular characteristics associated with cellulite, such as gender, race, slow metabolism, distribution of fat just underneath the skin, and circulatory insufficiency.
- Diet - people who eat too much fat, carbohydrates, or salt and too little fiber are likely to have greater amounts of cellulite.
- Lifestyle factors - cellulite may be more prevalent in smokers, those who do not exercise, and those who sit or stand in one position for long periods of time (working on a desk).
- Clothing - underwear with tight elastic across the buttocks (limiting blood flow) may contribute to the formation of cellulite.
Cellulite Treatments
There are many products and treatments that promise to get rid of cellulite on thighs and buttocks. But there is little evidence that shows that many of them work well or for long. Here is what you should know about some of the options:
Cellulite creams. These creams are said to dissolve fat and smooth the skin. But many cellulite creams contain aminophylline, a prescription drug approved for treating asthma. There is no scientific evidence that these creams are effective against cellulite, and for some people, they can be harmful. Their apparent effect on cellulite may be due to narrowing bloodvessels and forcing water from the skin, which could be dangerous for people with circulatory problems. Aminophylline can also cause an allergic reaction in some people.
Liposuction. This is a surgical procedure to remove fat deposits from the body. Liposuction, though, removes deep fat, not cellulite, which is just beneath the skin. The American Academy of Dermatology warns that liposuction may actually worsen the appearance of cellulite by creating more depressions in the skin.
Mesotherapy. Mesotherapy is a therapy originally developed in Europe to relieve pain of inflammatory skin conditions. It involves injecting substances such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes into the tissue just beneath the skin. Mesotherapy may break down fat and bring a slight improvement in the appearance of cellulite. But it also carries risks, which include swelling, infection, and irregular contours.
Massage and spa treatments. Massage and other spa treatments may have a temporary effect on the dimpling appearance of skin. But they do not remove cellulite. Any effect is short-lived and probably due to the removal of excess fluid.
How can cellulite be prevented?
Eating healthy, low fat foods such as fruits, vegetables, and fiber can help one to avoid cellulite. Similarly exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight, and reducing stress are recommended to prevent cellulite. In addition wearing thongs, boyshorts, or looser fitting undergarments can prevent cellulite that might form due to tight elastic.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Silky Skin Strawberry Mask...
Hello my lovelies, its been a while and I miss y'all. lol! A lot is happening in my life right now, its been really hectic.
Wow!! I hope y'all been taking care of your lovely skins. There's always something new on the blog, even for those who have visited over a thousand times! So keep checking the blog for new ideas, tips and advice on how to enhance your skin's appearance.
Today's post will be short and the skin recipe will be so easy to make. Additionally, this recipe is guaranteed to give your skin a silky glowing appearance for days to come.
If you want a quick glow for that date, party or wedding, then this strawberry body mask is a must try. So here goes:
- 4-5 ripe medium size organic strawberries
- 2 teaspoons honey
- 1 teaspoon Olive oil.
Wash the strawberries and remove tops. Mash all the ingredients together. Apply immediately to your face, avoiding the eye area and leave on for 15-20 minutes.
Rinse off with warm water, apply toner, then follow with a rich moisturiser.
Benefits of Strawberry:
Strawberry is so great for your skin as it is actually a wrinkle preventer! true fact!! Strawberry keeps the skin looking younger. Strawberry also boosts your body's immunity and promotes eye health too, so while you are at it, munch some too!
NOTE: For sensitive skin, please do a patch test first!
Will try to blog more regularly, pls bear with me and keep checking for new posts, also feel free to leave comments or ask questions... Till the next post,
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Power Food: 5 Uses of Cucumber That Will Amaze You...
Cucumbers are great for different reasons. Apart for keeping us fuller for longer, this post will look at cucumber as it affects the skin.
Did you know that Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins you need every day? Just one cucumber contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc.
So here goes:
1. The high water content, antioxidants, and the presence of certain minerals like magnesium, potassium, and silica make cucumbers an essential part of skin care. Facial masks containing cucumber juice can be used for skin tightening. Ascorbic acid and caffeic acid present in cucumbers can bring down the water retention rate which in turn diminishes the puffiness and swelling under the eyes.
1. Sunburn Treatment - No aloe? No worries! Rub a slice of cucumber on sunburns or irritated skin. Cucumber provides relief for skin with sunburn and other blemishes.
2. Stressed out and don’t have time for massage, facial or visit to the spa? Cut up an entire cucumber and place it in a boiling pot of water, the chemicals and nutrients from the cucumber will react with the boiling water and released in the steam, creating a soothing, relaxing aroma that has been shown to reduce stress in new mothers and college students during final exams.
3. Looking for a fast and easy way to remove cellulite before going out or to the pool? Try rubbing a slice or two of cucumbers along your problem area for a few minutes, the phytochemical in the cucumber cause the collagen in your skin to tighten, firming up the outer layer and reducing the visibility of cellulite. Works great on wrinkles too!!!
Here's an extra and amazing tip: Looking for a ‘green’ way to clean your faucets, sinks or stainless steel? Take a slice of cucumber and rub it on the surface you want to clean, not only will it remove years of tarnish and bring back the shine, but it won’t leave streaks and won’t harm you fingers or fingernails while you clean.
Hope this helps, xoxo
Thursday, August 8, 2013
5 Health Benefits of Yoghurt:The Power Food!
There are so many great types of yoghurt in the market today. This post will help you understand why you should head straight to the yoghurt aisle and forget about purchasing ice cream.
Yoghurt is referred to as a power food because of its health benefits, plus yoghurts can be used in achieving glowing skin too. Yoghurt comes from milk, so it contains essential vitamins such as B-2, B-12, VitD, potassium, calcium and magnesium.
Firstly, your body requires a healthy amount of "good" bacteria in the digestive tract and many yoghurts are made using active good bacteria. Yoghurt also contains "probiotics", which refers to a living organism that can result in a health benefit when eaten in adequate amounts.This helps digestion and immune functions.
So when shopping for healthy yoghurts, you should look out for the ones that specifically indicate the presence of "live and active cultures" on the label. These ones contain probiotics.
Benefit 1. Yoghurt Reduces The Risk Of High Blood Pressure.
A recent spanish research, which followed more than 5,000 people in 2 years found there was reduction in the risk of developing HBP among people eating 2-3 servings a day of low fat yoghurt compared to those eating non.
Benefit 2. Yoghurt with "active culture" helps certain conditions such as constipation, diarrhea, colon cancer, and ulcer.
Benefit 3. Yoghurt is great for your skin. Including yoghurt to your home facials will reveal a smoother, brighter, glowing skin. Try Yoghurt + Brown sugar + Honey for a great exfoliation (can be used on both face and body)
Benefit 4. Yoghurt with active cultures discourage Vaginal Infections: This is fact! Candida or yeast vaginal infections are a common problem for women.Yoghurt consumed during yeast infection can help prevent more growth of the infection. However, do take medications too.
Benefit 5.Yoghurt helps you feel fuller for longer.A great tip is to cut fresh fruits into your yoghurt and enjoy. This ultimately can help you in your weight reduction process. Try strawberries, blue berries, pineapples, apples or peaches or any other fruit you love.Eating yoghurt will definitely make you feel less hungry as you feel fuller and eat less.
The importance of yoghurt cannot be overemphasised. Its definitely better to eat yoghurt than ice creams. Try to avoid yoghurts that already have fruits in them, those are just full of sugar. Instead buy plain low fat or even full fat yoghurt and dice in any fruits and enjoy.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Home Spa Tips...
The only way to achieve glowing skin is by showing it Tender Loving Care! There's no other trick to it. You just have to find the time to pamper your skin.
This post will help you with turning your space/home into a place where you too can experience the spa feel. Its only reality that sometimes people can't even find the time or extra cash to visit a professional spa. But this is the time, to stop and decide that you will give yourself time to love your skin. Because you deserve it! What"s the point of working so hard, if you can't find time to love yourself?
This post will also show you how to create that spa atmosphere in your home. Going to the spa can be expensive, so why not create your home spa using home made ingredients and recipes that are natural and can produce flawless, beautiful skin.
A home spa is very soothing and revitalising for the skin, the mind and body. It is fortunately very easy to do a little DIY beauty @ home. Firstly set aside a day for "me-time". (maybe saturday evening or sunday afternoon). Spend your time treating your face through cleansing, exfoliating, masking and massaging. Give your body the same attention through scrubbing followed by a lathering of rich body lotion.
Tip1: Create a home spa atmosphere by switching off all lights and putting on scented candles. the more the candles, the better! (Pls remember to blow it out when you are done!)
Tip 2: To create your own steamer, fill a large bowl with hot water, hold your head about 15 inches above the water. Create a tent by draping a towel over your head, shoulders and the bowl. To stimulate your sense of smell, you can add few drops of essential oils such as lavender, vanilla or any fragrance you love.. Follow this step by cleansing and toning your face, making sure to use the right products for your skin type.
Tip3: Make a lovely and simple brown sugar scrub using Honey + Brown sugar. This can be used to exfoliate your body, then step into a warm shower and rinse off, followed by applying a generous amount of body lotion/ body butter.
Tip 4: You can make an organic and nutritious facial mask using blended Yoghurt + Banana + Honey.
Apply mixture using your foundation brush, leave on for 5-10 minutes, remember to lay quietly on your bed, covering your eyes with cucumber slices, while breathing in and out! try not to focus on any other thing but yourself. (U can listen to soft music too, try calm asian inspired instrumentals). After rinsing off, use a good face moisturiser.
Tip5: Sleep Off! The advantage of a home spa over a professional one is that you can sleep off on your bed after all's done, while you may have to get into your car and drive home after a day @ the spa! If you can, get some much needed sleep...
Things Needed For Your Home Spa:
Fresh Towels
Scented Candles
Essential Oils
Calm Soothing Music
Quiet Atmosphere
Fruits/Ingredients of choice based on home made recipes being used.
Share your home spa experiences with us by leaving a comment. Feel free to give some more tips or ask questions...
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